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Who We Are

Innovation and technology have always been derived from the nature. As birds fly in swarms, drone swarming is an identical model. Infusing lights in drones and positioning them appropriately creates a lively vision. The world has started utilizing the dark sky and transformed it into pleasing sceneries.
BIR-D (Borne Interactive Robot – Drone) is a company providing Drone shows for the first time in Pakistan. Drone shows are performed by a group of drones with pre-installed lights, synchronized and choreographed in such a way to recreate Images and animations in the sky. BIR-D focuses on producing an eye-catching experience for its spectators.
Our Mission

To innovate in the marketing world with the help of technology, opening thousands of doors in every field with the help of swarming.

Our Vission

A blend of Robotics & Innovation, providing spectacle shows to create a sense of precedence in the eye of the beholder.